Announcement symposium “Epithelial cells: the conductors of inflammation”
📅 Date: March 15, 2025; https://gremi.asso.fr/PGE2uk/uk_registration.htm
Preliminary Program
Printable Poster (A4, pdf) of the One-Day GREMI meeting
Abstract deadline: January 20th, 2025
Conference site: Pasteur Institute (Paris) – Duclaux Lecture Theater (access: 205 rue de Vaugirard, Paris 15ème). At the entrance of the Pasteur Institute, your ID card will be requested.
Registration payment includes lunch.
Abstracts, posters (1m height x 0.70m large) and slides will be in English. Oral communications will preferably be in English or eventually in French.
The poster size will be specified later.
Suggested Hotel (Pasteur Institute rate, will be updated). The reservation of your room must be done directly with the hotel selected. Early reservation is recommended. Preferential rate granted to the Institut Pasteur according to the availabilities of the hotel. To take advantage of it, give the reference « Rate Institut Pasteur » when you book your room.
The registration fees are 150 euros (full price) and 70 euros reduced price for the students, postdoc (<35 y/o) and ITA (technicians).
For the students and technicians, in these cases a signed letter from their advisor verifying their status must be sent by email to xavier.norel@inserm.fr
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