Past theses


– Marion FERREIRA – 2023
Analysis of the response to immune checkpoint inhibitor antibodies in patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer
Thesis supervisor : Nathalie Heuzé Vourc’h
Thesis defense : 19/12/2023
– Adélaïde CHESNAY – 2013
Pneumocystis pneumonia: Diagnostic Innovation and Fundamental Study of the Immune Response
Thesis supervisors : Thomas Baranek & Guillaume Desoubeaux
Thesis defense : 13/12/2023
– Aubin PITIOT – 2023
Long-term protection induced by an immunotherapy administered locally against a respiratory bacterial infection : Proof of concept and immune mechanisms
Thesis supervisors : Nathalie Heuzé-Vourc’h & Thomas Sécher
Thesis defense : 16/10/2023
– Justina CREPPY – 2013
Development of a predictive model of aerosol deposition in macaque and administration means associated
Thesis supervisor : Laurent Vecellio
Thesis defense : 29/06/2023

– Paul BIGOT – 2022 
Impact of cathepsin S overexpression on the lung epithelial barrier during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Thesis supervisor : Gilles Lalmanach
Thesis defense : 13/12/2022

– Coralie MERGAULT – 2022
Targeting regulators of actin cytoskeleton for pulmonary fibrosis treatment
Thesis supervisor : Laurent Plantier
Thesis defense : 13/01/2022

– Adeline CEZARD – 2021
Identification and understanding of the anti-viral properties of host metabolites induced by influenza infection
Thesis supervisor : Mustapha Si-Tahar
Thesis defense : 15/12/2021

– Woodys LENGA – 2021
Role of the kallikrein-related peptidase 5 in the bronchial epithelial remodeling associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Thesis supervisor : Pascale Reverdiau
Thesis defense : 27/01/2021

– Thibault CHAZEIRAT – 2020
Regulation of cathepsin V by heparan sulfate in mucopolysaccharidosis
Thesis supervisor : Fabien Lecaille
Thesis defense : 15/12/2020

Aerosoltherapy and biologics: impact of aerosolization on the stability and immunogenicity of protein therapeutics
Thesis supervisors : Laurent VECELLIO &  Nathalie HEUZE-VOURC’H
Thesis defense : 09/07/2020
– Alexie MAYOR – 2020
Inhalation of monoclonal antibodies : formulation development strategy for nebulization
Thesis supervisor : Nathalie HEUZE-VOURC’H
Thesis defense : 11/06/2020
– Koffi N’guessan – 2020
Characterization and targeting of neutrophil proteinase 3, granulomatosis with polyangiitis autoantigen
Thesis supervisor : Brice Korkmaz & Séry Romuald Dasse.
Thesis defense : 15/01/2020

< 2020

– Florent CREUSAT – 2019
Study and origin of regulatory neutrophils in pulmnonary infection

Thesis supervisor : Christophe Paget
Thesis defense: 17/12/2019

– Youenn JOUAN – 2019
Non conventional T cells during severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome
Thesis supervisor : Mustapha SI-TAHAR * Co-directeur : Christophe PAGET
Thesis defense : 12/12/2019

– Seda SEREN – 2019
Pharmacological targeting of cathepsin C in novel therapeutic approach in granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Thesis supervisor : MARCHAND-ADAM Sylvain & DALLET-CHOISY Sandrine
Thesis defense : 02/10/2019

– Mylène WARTENBERG – 2018
Regulation of the proteolytic activity of cysteine cathepsins S and K by chemical and pseudopeptidic inhibitors / inactivators
Thesis supervisor : Gilles Lalmanach
Thesis defense : 13/12/2018

– David CHAUVIN – 2018
New strategies for the treatment of aspergillosis : targeting of Aspergillus fumigatus with therapeutic antibodies and characterization of the host response
Thesis supervisor : Jacques Chandenier & Guillaume Desoubeaux
Thesis defense : 12/12/2018

– Mélia MAGNEN – 2017
Functional characterization of novel cellular mediators of inflammation in COPD patients
Thesis supervisor : Yves COURTY
Thesis defense : 15/12/2017

– François REMINIAC – 2017
Aerosoltherapy and nasal high flow therapy
Thesis supervisor : Patrice DIOT * Co-directeur : Stephan Ehrmann
Thesis defense : 20/06/2017

– Carla GUARINO – 2016
Enzymatic characterization of soluble and membranebound proteinase 3 : a new therapeutic target for neutrophilic inflammatory disease
Thesis supervisor : Brice KORKMAZ
Thesis defense : 22/09/2016

– Pierre-Marie ANDRAULT – 2015
Role of cysteine cathepsis in the regulation of the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 during chronic lung inflammatory diseases
Thesis supervisor : Fabien LECAILLE
Thesis defense : 17/12/2015

– Anne-Sophie LAMORT – 2015
Functional study of macrophage MMp-12 in order to its therapeutic targeting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Thesis supervisor : Thierry Moreau & Marilou ZANI
Thesis defense : 10/12/2015

– Clémence HENRY – 2014
Characterization of the role of calcium channel TRPV4 in pulmonary inflammatory response : involvement in cystic fibrosis
Thesis supervisor : Mustapha Si Tahar & Frédéric Esnard
Thesis defense : 12/12/2014

– Antoine GUILLON – 2014
Alteration of the interleukin-22 pathway in respiratory diseases
Thesis supervisor : Mustapha Si Tahar & Patrice Diot
Thesis defense : 11/12/2014

– Laurent GUILLEMINAULT – 2014
Pulmonary delivery of therapeutic antibodies.
Thesis supervisor : Etienne Lemarié
Thesis defense : 08/07/2014

– Guillaume DESOUBEAUX – 2013
Interest of proteomics in improving the investigation of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis by the means of a murine model
Thesis supervisor : Jacques Chandenier
Thesis defense : 16/12/2013

– Emmanuelle MERCIER – 2013
Nebulization of teicoplanin during mechanical ventilation
Thesis supervisor : Laurent Vecellio
Thesis defense : 16/12/2013

– Mariana KASABOVA – 2013
Roles of cysteine cathepsins and their naturals inhibitors, cystatins in lung fibrosis
Thesis supervisor : Gilles Lalmanach
Thesis defense : 12/12/2013

– Thomas KRYZA – 2013
Study of the involvement of the kallikrein-12 in the tissular remodeling that occurs during pulmonary pathology
Thesis supervisor : Nathalie Heuzé-Vourc’h
Thesis defense : 14/11/2013

– Nicolas LELONG – 2013
Numerical and experimental design of a jet nebulizer device for aerosol therapy
Thesis supervisor : Patrice Diot
Thesis defense : 23/09/2013

– Marion LAVERGNE – 2013
Role of TFPI-2, a serine proteases inhibitor, in progression of small cell lung cancers
Thesis supervisor : Pascale REVERDIAU & Sophie IOCHMANN
Thesis defense : 11/06/2013

– Alice DUBOIS – 2013
Study of the extracellular proteolysis by neutrophil serine proteinases during cystic fibrosis : contribution of NETs and therapeutic strategies
Thesis supervisor : Sylvie ATTUCCI
Thesis defense : 28/03/2013

– Noémie MICHEL – 2013
Analysis of the contribution of tissue kallikreins 6 and 12 to lung pathophysiology
Thesis supervisor : Yves COURTY
Thesis defense : 26/03/2013

– Juliette SAGE – 2012
Role of cathepsin S in basement remodelling and regulation of its enzymatic activity by glycosaminoglycans
Thesis supervisor : Fabien LECAILLE
Thesis defense : 04/12/2012

– Annabelle TANGA – 2012
Evaluation of therapeutic strategy for COFB based on aerosol delivery of protease inhibitors
Thesis supervisor : Thierry Moreau & Marie-Louise Zani
Thesis defense: 02/04/2012

– Clément NAUDIN – 2011
Regulation of surfactant protein SP-A activity by pulmonary cysteine cathepsins : consequences on the antibacterial properties of SP-A
Thesis supervisor : Gilles Lalmanach
Thesis defense : 09/12/2011