Theses in progress

Enzo Vidy (2024) : Development of a new generation of Antibody-Drug Conjugates
Thesis supervisors : Caroline Denevault-Sabourin & Nicolas Joubert

Gabrielle Pichon (2024) : Study of the administration of Nanofitins by inhalation for the treatment of respiratory and neurological pathologies
Thesis supervisors : Nathalie Heuzé-Vourc’h & Mathieu Cinier

Pierre Boulard (2023) : Characterization of non-classical MHC class-Ib molecules in exosomes: role in cell activation in pathophysiology
Thesis supervisor : Valérie Gouilleux

–  Baptiste Rigoux (2023) : Cystatin M/E: a new player in the regulation of the proteases/antiproteases balance in pulmonary fibrosis
Thesis supervisors : Sylvain Marchand Adam & Ahlame Saidi

–  Arthur Kassa-sombo (2023) : Optimizing ICU admission criteria for elderly patients with acute respiratory infections.
Thesis supervisors : Antoine Guillon

– Mike Pasteur (2022) : Biomimetic model of human nasal cavity for drug development
Thesis supervisors : Virginie Hervé & Sandrine Le Guellec

– Alexis DAVID (2022) : Modulation of cysteine cathepsins activity by natural and synthetic polysaccharides
Thesis supervisor : Fabien Lecaille

– Sandra KHAU (2022) : Study of inflammasome regulation during bacterial and fungal superinfection in cystic fibrosis.
Thesis supervisors : Benoît Briard & Mustapha Si-Tahar

Benjamin Victoir (2021) : Design and synthesis of multifunctional agents targeting the hematopoietic niche in chemoresistant myeloid leukemia.
Thesis supervisors : Gildas Prie & Cécile Croix

– Camille DAVID (2021) : Study of immunometabolic alterations of alveolar macrophages in the context of bacterial superinfections post-influenza
Thesis supervisor : Antoine Guillon & Mustapha Si-Tahar

– Emilie BARSAC (2020) : Study of MAIT cell impact during pneumococcal-mediated pneumonia
Thesis supervisors : Christophe Paget & Thomas Baranek

– Roxane DOMAIN (2020) : Indirect targeting of neutrophil serine proteases in a murine model of lung inflammation
Thesis supervisor : Brice KORKMAZ